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Annual Medical Update Form

Please use this form to keep us updated with any changes to your child's medical records. For example; if your child has been diagnosed with a new medical condition, or you have changed family doctor. Once notification of any changes has been received by the school you will be contacted by the first aid department to confirm receipt and to clarify if there are any additional medication needs.

Emergency Release: In the event we are unable to contact a child's parents

It is essential that we have contact details for two UK based adults, other than the child's parents on file. Please give these details below. Please note forms will not be accepted if the emergency contact numbers belong to the parents.

I give my consent for my child to be released to the above person(s) in the event of emergency or illness, if I cannot be contacted. They are also permitted, to give medical consent in my absence (please notice this is a mandatory safeguarding requirement so no forms will be accepted without this information)*