Dear Michael Hall Community,
It has felt like an extension of summer at the beginning of this term, which is always a slight disappointment to me when it happens because it means that the blackberries have probably finished early, and I can't wear my jumpers and boots yet (I'm very much an autumn girl..). However, in the classrooms, it has been a wonderful start and the children have brought life and joy back to the site which always feels oddly quiet during the summer.
Anyway, I've snuck on to the Friday Flyer this week as my storyteller friend, Jason, who visited a year and a half ago, is returning on November 3rd to tell "Stories of the Ancients" picking up on the themes of our curriculum, so do put this in your diaries. He is also going to run a small Dungeons and Dragons game for parents who are interested, especially those who are parents of students who are part of my increasingly popular weekly club in the library. It is a game I played at school and think it fits particularly well in our education because of the very strong focus on imagination and co-operation in a world of archetypal themes, so I'm glad it's seeing a revival.
Here's hoping for a cooler week ahead and wishing you a restful weekend.
With warm regards,
Emmeline Hawker
Director of Studies