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School Life

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  • 15/09/23


    Our new Early Childhood Teachers, Amelia and Stefania,  reflecting on their beautiful week  welcoming new children and families into Saplings.  Saplings envelops the 2 year old child in a secure and love filled space where they explore, play, and sing. It is a wonderful new provision...
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  • 14/09/23

    Class 3 Farming Main Lesson

    Class 3 Go Farming
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  • 14/07/23

    Class 11 Social Practical

    Class 11 have just completed a social practical at two Camphill settings which serve as a home and education facility to adults with learning differences; the companions. Here are some thoughts from Amber about their experience with the companions. Many of them were very thankful for...
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  • 14/07/23

    Sports Day

    "Sports day was a massive summery celebration with classes 6-11 gathering together to compete for their colour- BLUE, GREEN, RED or YELLOW. This year, we had some large mixed-age 'Storm The Castle Games' to start, with close to 100 students per pitch, then colours of different ages comp...
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  • 13/07/23

    Class 3a Camping Trip

    Class 3a had a blissful camp last week at Tinkers Wood Farm near Nutley. The children engaged beautifully with each other and the whole experience, from setting up camp, catching crickets, group games, farm activities and a woodland walk. The children fed the ch...
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  • 13/07/23

    Class 3b Celebration

    Class 3b made a fire in the woods for their end of year celebration. They each shared something from the past year that they wanted to let go of as they offered a stick to the fire, and then they shared something they loved about the year and chose a rose to take home with them. They celebra...
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  • 12/07/23

    Recorders from Class 6b and 7a

    The school has been alive with the sound of recorders over the past two weeks! Classes 6b and 7a have been serenading parents and staff with beautiful music and showcasing their skills with a variety of music styles.
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  • 11/07/23

    Class 9 Forensics Challenge

    'The bell for the end of lunch break has just rung, Ms Gatehouse enters the Physics lab and finds the teacher on the floor not moving! On closer inspection she is not breathing, with no pulse and cold to the touch. Blanca calls an ambulance but, unfortunately the teacher is d...
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  • 07/07/23

    Class 12 Singing in Italy

    Throughout Class 12 the students build up a programme of songs that they will sing around the St. John's Fire, at their Graduation, in their final assembly and during their trip to Italy, which marks the end of their Michael Hall journey. The current Class 12 put together a repertoire of 20...
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  • 06/07/23

    Class 7b trip to Wakehurst Place

    Class 7b visited Wakehurst Place this week to see the wonderful variety of flowers in bloom in preparation for their Class 8 garden design project. They enjoyed the soft, subtle colours of the Walled Garden and were lucky enough to see some amazing woven works of art in the wild woods...
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  • 06/07/23

    Class 2 Play 'The King of Ireland's Son'

    The King Of Ireland's Son is tricked by the Enchanter of the Black Backlands and must find his castle again within a year and a day. He begins his quest, filled with magic and adventure; 'His hound at his heel, His Hawk on his wrist; A brave steed to carry him whither he l...
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  • 05/07/23

    Classes 3 Trades and Money Main Lesson

    Classes 3 ‘market’ in their Trades and Money Main Lesson block Classes 3 are currently doing a Main Lesson block in Trades and Money. This week they created beautiful items to sell and set up a market in the classroom for their classmates. Each child was given 50p to spend at the mark...
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