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School Life

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  • 29/02/24

    Class 12 visit Kindergarten

    This week, the students of Class 12 shared beautiful moments in our Kindergartens as a part of their current Main Leson where they are reflecting on their Waldorf journey. They engaged in activities like chopping, playing, and walking, spreading joy among the little ones and also touching the h...
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  • 29/02/24

    Class 7b Renaissance

    Class 7b were learning about the Renaissance in their last main lesson block. As part of this, they learnt about Michelangelo and how he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, lying on his back on scaffold. They, in turn, had a lesson lying on their backs and drew the 'Hand of God'...
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  • 23/02/24

    Marvellous Maths at Michael Hall!

    On the last day of January, eight students from Classes 9 and 10 took part in the United Kingdom Maths Challenge. This is a national competition for young mathematicians.  All eight achieved certification. Well done to them all!  Joel of Class 9 achieved one of the highest marks in th...
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  • 22/02/24

    Pancake Day Parade

    Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting and on Shrove Tuesday, Anglo-Saxon Christians went to confession and were “shriven” (absolved...
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  • 09/02/24

    A visit from an Old Scholar

    This Tuesday, Andrew Engel visited class 7b. Andrew is an old scholar of the school and was himself in class 7 in 1952.  He read to them a couple of exerts from his diary from when he was in class 7 that matched the date around his visit:  "Monday 4th February: School as us...
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  • 08/02/24

    Class 10 School Trip

    Class 10 trip to the Hindu temple,  BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Neasden, London. It was on the 26th Jan. iI’s part of World Religions lessons. 
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  • 07/02/24

    'Siberian Child' Eurythmy Performance

    'Sister and Brother', a Siberian fairy tale performed today by 18 children from Classes 3 to 7 together with colleagues and eurythmy students from the 3rd and 4th year of the Peredur eurythmy training.
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  • 02/02/24


    Candlemas marks the first cross quarter of the year, falling exactly between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In medieval times it was said to be the time when one no longer had to get up by candlelight, as the days were just becoming light enough to be able to see in the mornings without...
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  • 25/01/24

    Class 8b Shoe Making

    Last week, Class 8b were very fortunate to take part in a shoe-making workshop. The cobbler guided them through the process of first cutting out the leather uppers from a pattern before making stitching holes and lacing holes with specialist leather tools. The children then...
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  • 19/01/24


    We return to the welcoming ambience of Saplings this frosty new year, where children immerse themselves in the joy of play and the friendships they have cultivated. All of this unfolds under the warm and watchful care of dedicated adults.
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  • 12/01/24

    Class 5a Poems

    As part of their year-long tree journal projects, over the holidays, Class 5a have written poems and created artwork about their chosen trees.
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  • 12/01/24

    Class 8a Fundraising Event

    Come and enjoy a Film Night in our School Theatre. It's a fundraiser for Class 8a as well as for the Theatre itself. Friday 26th January, 7pm. Hosted by Class 8a, there will be popcorn, snacks, and drinks available, which you can bring into the theatre with you!  You can pay for...
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