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School Life

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  • 08/01/24

    Talent Show

    Tickets for the Talent Show are now available online and in Reception. Click here to buy online.  Please note that this event is for Classes 6 and above only.
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  • 15/12/23

    Class 12 singing us into the Christmas holidays!

    It's traditional for Class 12 to sing Christmas Carols in the last week of the Autumn Term. Last night they visited various places including Nutley Hall and sung beautiful carols. Today the class shared the carols with every class in the School finishing in the Mansion.
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  • 15/12/23

    Fundraising at Michael Hall

    As we move into a new year, Michael Hall is looking at new ways parents and the community can support the School . There will now be the opportunity to support individual areas of Michael Hall, which means donations can be directed to specific projects around the School. Next ye...
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  • 14/12/23

    The Paradise Play by Class 9

    The Paradise Play returned this year in the form of a 'shadow play' by Class 9.  "It was a very interesting experience to try a different way of telling a story. It was great to work as a cohesive force rather than the focus or pressure being on one person. We found i...
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  • 13/12/23

    Class 1a Christmas Craft

    Class 1a have been enjoying Christmas crafts this week, slowing down their rhythm to reflect the slowing down of the natural world. On Wednesday they enjoyed making Christmas biscuits. 
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  • 08/12/23

    Christmas Paintings

    Christmas Paintings by Class 4b
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  • 08/12/23

    Class 6b Outdoor Lesson

    Class 6b sawing and splitting firewood in the woodyard as part of their Outdoor Lesson this week.
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  • 06/12/23

    Upper School Yoga Club

    The Upper School yoga club grew to a regular 11 members this term and the commitment shown by the members every Thursday from 3.15 - 4.15pm has led to good progress.  With this age group, the aim is always to help the students get to know the basic shapes of a wide range of yoga asana...
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  • 05/12/23


    Wow! Michael Hall, you have out done yourself with a huge collection of food and other essentials for the East Grinstead Food Bank! It will be used to produce Christmas Packs for local people and support local individuals and families in crisis, who cannot afford to put food on the table. Si...
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  • 04/12/23

    Advent Spiral

    On Sunday, Classes 1 and 2 shared an Advent play with us, in which they walked the beautiful Advent spiral. Each child  carefully carried their light (a small flickering flame) and placed it on the richly scented greenery of the fir spiral decorated with crystals (which repr...
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  • 01/12/23

    Yultide Celebration

    On Wednesday evening the School Leadership Team and the Trustees hosted a Yuletide celebration for parents and Association Members as an acknowledgement and a thank you for all the hard work parents put into the Advent Fair 🎵🎄🌟
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  • 30/11/23

    Class 4b Animal Study

    Class 4b's artwork from their weekly animal study
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