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School Life

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  • 28/11/23

    The Advent Fair

    A huge thank you to this year's Class 4 and all the parents and staff who were involved with our wonderful Advent Fair on the weekend. It was a lovely wintry day with glorious sunshine and plenty of exciting activities, delicious food, beautiful music and Advent che...
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  • 28/11/23

    The Malambanone Tree

    The Malambanone Tree is a tale set in the plains of South Africa that features themes of adventure, love & magic. Salani is a handsome young man who sets out with the task of acquiring the Membe Medicine. Eurythmy performance by Classes 12 and 3
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  • 27/11/23

    Tickets for the Advent Festival of Music

    The Advent Festival of Music - Friday 8th December. Tickets have been offered to parents of children performing in the festival and the remaining tickets are now available to the public via this link.  
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  • 23/11/23

    Class 6a Haikus

    Class 6a has learnt the Japanese art of writing haiku poetry and used it to create poetry about desert and tundra biomes, as part of their European geography main lesson.  Haikus are short poems, usually about nature, and they consist of three lines with five syllables in the first, seven in...
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  • 23/11/23

    Apple Star Parent and Child Group

    Our Apple Star Parent and Child Group offers a unique environment for adults and young children to come together in a calm and nurturing environment. Together we enjoy a moment of connection, free play - both inside and out, a delicious organic snack, warm tea, a gentle circle time of songs and...
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  • 17/11/23

    Class 6b play 'O Roma Nobilis'

    "Hello, my name is Marcia Dexter-Baxter from "The Times". Last week I was invited to Michael Hall School to see Class 6b's production of "O Roma Nobilis". To start off with, there was a lot of very confident narration. We then got to meet some of Rome's gods: Di...
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  • 15/11/23

    Introducing the new Michael Hall logo

    We are delighted to unveil the new School logo to you all and share some of the details of how it has come about. 
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  • 14/11/23

    Class 6a European Geography Projects

    Here are a few highlights from the Class 6a European Geography projects.
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  • 14/11/23

    Upper School Food Bank Collection

    The Upper School Student Council will be collecting food and other essentials for the East Grinstead Food Bank between Martinmas and the start of Advent on Friday 1st of December.  On Wednesday James Kilfiger spoke to all the children in classes 1-8 about what the food bank is and...
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  • 09/11/23

    The Malambanone Tree

    The Malambanone Tree is a tale set in the plains of South Africa that features themes of adventure, love & magic. Salani is a handsome young man who sets out with the task of acquiring the Membe Medicine. Will he prevail? Please come and join us for our Eurythmy play, performed by Cla...
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  • 03/11/23

    Well done to the musicians!

    A huge well done to all our amazing students who played in the Kidbrooke Park Music Festival last weekend! Here is The Gypsy's Violin by Jeff Moore, performed by the London Mozart Players and the KPFestival Youth Orchestra, which includes many young musicians from our School.
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  • 03/11/23

    Class 4b Local Geography and History

    In their first main lesson block on local geography and history, class 4b made their own compasses by magnetising nails to find magnetic north. First, each child mapped their desk and its contents, then they expanded out to make a map of their classroom, the lower school and the school grounds...
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