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Class 6b Art

Using charcoal, Class 6 experience black and white and then have to use all the shades of grey inbetween. They experience the polarity of light and dark, contrasts between form and shadow, positive and negative space.

Verging on puberty, the student often sees things as very black and white, so we try to meet them and therapeutically work with shades of grey. 

At this age, they are also ready to learn techniques rather than play with imagery and colour which they learnt in Class 5. By learning to see shadow, they learn about depth and so create more realistic pictures using lines and shading. We started by practising creating values between black and white and then shaded  black to white outwards from the centre and then going inwards. We discussed how the pictures made them feel and what they saw. Following this, the class learnt how to draw spheres using the techniques they had learnt already. Next we will move onto bowls.