Fir Tree Puppet Show
In Fir Tree Kindergarten recently, Saskia presented a puppet show of the story 'Meshenka and the Bear'. It is a story about a girl named Mashenka who ignores advice to not wander too far away from home and gets lost while berry picking. She finds a bear who won't take her back to her own home but takes her to his house instead. To escape, she tricks the bear with her ingenuity to return safely home.
The story of Meshenka is a powerful tale for children but also has many of the same values that we hold in Waldorf Education:
Listening to Wisdom
Cleverness and Resourcefulness
Independence and Self-Reliance
Family Bond
It is no wonder that Ofsted mentioned the children’s captivation of a puppet show the last time they visited our setting. The tales we tell weave wisdom into our setting in the most beautiful and accessible way.