It is part of the custom and practice of the School to take photographs and moving images of School events and achievements (class photos, theatre productions, sports events etc.) and to use some of these for the purposes of marketing the School (School prospectus, website, social media, press releases etc.) and helping others to understand more about our education. Parents who accept a place for their child at the school are invited to agree to the school using images of him/her, by signing this form as part of the School's Admissions process. Under the GDPR which came into force in May 2018, parents should be aware that the law recognizes pupils' own rights to decide how their personal information – including images – is used from the age of 13. Please indicate below if you consent for the time being to your child's image being used in School media. We will also seek additional verbal or written consent before publishing any image where that pupil is identified by name. You may withdraw this consent at any time by emailing us.